在美国,多达一半的新发糖尿病病例是由糖尿病引起的.S. 与肥胖有关


Towfiqu Barbhuiya/EyeEm, Getty Images
(Towfiqu Barbhuiya/EyeEm, Getty Images)

Obesity drives up to half of all Type 2 diabetes cases in the United States, 新的研究表明, 强调需要加强预防.

这项研究周三发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上 美国心脏协会杂志, found the frequency of obesity was increasing among adults and was consistently higher among those with Type 2 diabetes. Obesity was linked to 30%-53% of new Type 2 diabetes diagnoses each year over the past two decades.

“减少肥胖需要成为一个优先事项,”该研究的主要作者Dr. 娜塔莉一. 卡梅伦在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. She is a resident in internal medicine at the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University in Chicago. “支持沙巴足球体育平台方式的公共卫生努力, 比如增加获得营养食品的机会, promoting physical activity and developing community programs to prevent obesity, 能显著减少2型糖尿病新发病例吗."

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, affecting more than 31 million people in the U.S.美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)表示. 超重或肥胖是几个危险因素之一. Others are being over the age of 45; having an immediate family member diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes; being physically inactive; and having had diabetes during pregnancy.

The number of deaths among people under the age of 65 caused by Type 2 diabetes has been rising, along with serious complications such as amputations and hospitalizations. Adults with diabetes also are twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke as those without diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes can often be prevented, and even reversed, through lifestyle changes. 先前的研究表明,减肥, eating a healthful diet and increasing physical activity can reduce the risk for Type 2 diabetes by up to 58%, 即使是那些高危人群. 对于60岁以上的人来说,这种风险可以降低71%.

2型糖尿病在黑人中更为常见, 西班牙裔或拉丁裔, 美国印第安人, 阿拉斯加土著, 太平洋岛民或亚裔美国人. 在新的研究中, participants – who didn't have diabetes at the start of the research – were white, 年龄在45到79岁之间的黑人和墨西哥裔美国人. 研究人员在两项研究中分析了2000年至2017年收集的数据, the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).

在NHANES分析中, they found the frequency of obesity rose from 34% to 41% and was consistently higher among people with Type 2 diabetes. 在MESA数据中, people with obesity were nearly three times as likely to develop Type 2 diabetes compared to those who weren't obese. 在这两个, those who were obese were more likely to be Black or Mexican American, and obesity occurred more often among people who earned less than $50,000元/年.

"We suspect these differences may point to important social determinants of health that contribute to new cases of Type 2 diabetes in addition to obesity,卡梅伦说.

This study also found non-Hispanic white women were least likely to be obese. However, when they were, this group was most likely to develop obesity-related Type 2 diabetes.

The researchers expressed concern over the obesity epidemic colliding with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The greater severity of COVID-19 infection in individuals with obesity is concerning because of the growing burden of adverse health consequences they could experience in the coming years,资深作者. 萨迪娅·汗在沙巴足球体育平台稿中说道. She is an assistant professor of medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. "Further efforts are needed to help more adults adopt healthier lifestyles and hopefully reduce the prevalence of obesity."

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