她丈夫发现她没有反应. 他给她做了心肺复苏术,这是她“活下去”的第一步.'

美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Lindsey Giardino报道

Regina Allemand(右)和她的丈夫Norbert. When Norbert found Regina unresponsive, he called 911 and began 心肺复苏. (图片由Regina Allemand提供)
Regina Allemand(右)和她的丈夫Norbert. When Norbert found Regina unresponsive, he called 911 and began 心肺复苏. (图片由Regina Allemand提供)

在一个星期六的早晨, Regina Allemand headed into her realty office to prepare for an afternoon showing houses in a New Orleans suburb. She was ahead of schedule, so she went to her favorite nail salon for a pedicure.

It was nearly Easter, so she picked out a different pastel color for each toe. When she got in her car to leave, she wondered whether her family had started their day.

Her husband and sister were taking her mom, who has dementia, to a casino. Regina opened the app on her phone to check the cameras installed at her mom's house. She didn't see anyone there, but she heard a strange beeping sound. Regina put her car in drive and headed to the house to investigate.

原来是她姐姐的电脑发出的哔哔声. 然而,其他一些令人担忧的事情也出现了. 雷吉娜开始感到剧烈的胸痛. She called her husband, Norbert, to let him know what was happening. 以为她是在开玩笑, he sarcastically responded that he'd meet her at the end of the drive and take her to the ER.

电话中断. 诺伯想他可能惹她生气了. 她不接他电话,他就开车去她家.

走进来,他首先看到的是瑞金娜的脚. 她躺在地上,眼睛睁着. 她没有反应.

诺伯特拨打了911,并立即开始心肺复苏. He knew how because his job at a chemical plant requires him to train every year.

When a sheriff's deputy arrived, he asked Norbert, "Do you want me to take over?"


Norbert continued giving his wife 心肺复苏 until the paramedics took over. 他们把她抬上担架,送往医院.

在路上,她的心脏又停止了跳动. Paramedics used an automated external defibrillator, or AED, to restore her heart rhythm. 她还戴上了呼吸机.

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, so, too, did Regina's priest. 他在那里为她举行最后的仪式.

瑞金娜靠生命维持系统维持了两天. Once conscious, she consented to having a pacemaker and defibrillator implanted in her chest. 她不到一个星期就回家了. 然而,她不一样了.

肋骨疼痛使她无法享受祝福者的拥抱. 药物治疗使她失去了感情. 这种情况持续了两个月,直到她儿子的婚礼. She went in wondering whether this magical moment might spark her emotions.

"I was walking down the aisle with him, and I felt a tear come down my eye," she said. “我把手指放在上面,我觉得有点生气了. 世界一直在我身边发生,但我不在那里."

On the first anniversary of her near-death experience, Regina hosted a "Stayin' Alive" party. 这个主题传达了许多信息.

除了她明显的活着的快乐之外, the song by the Bee Gees is used in 心肺复苏 training because it has a tempo that people should follow when giving chest compressions (and the title makes it easier to remember in that tense situation).

Regina Allemand(前)和她的朋友
Regina Allemand(前)和她的朋友 "Stayin' Alive"-themed party to celebrate the first anniversary of her life being saved. (图片由Regina Allemand提供)

She blasted the song during the party and handed out flyers with more information about 心肺复苏. She's devoted to spreading the word because only about 10% of people who go into cardiac arrest outside a hospital survive the event; if performed immediately, 心肺复苏术可以使生存机会增加一倍或三倍.

"Just knowing the skill of 心肺复苏 could save a child, a colleague or a family member," Regina said.

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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