
By Lindsey Giardino, American Heart Association News

康纳·霍尔在18个月大的时候被诊断出患有川崎病. He is now a healthy 8-year-old. (Photo courtesy of the Hall family)
现年8岁的康纳·霍尔在18个月大的时候被诊断出患有川崎病. (Photo courtesy of the Hall family)


At 9 months old, he started walking. By 14 months, he was potty trained.

He also had a tendency to get ear infections. 所以当他18个月大的时候,有一天早上醒来,发着低烧, his parents – Stephanie and Justin Hall of Cottonwood, Alabama – figured it was just another ear infection.

By that night, Konner's temperature was 104 degrees, 高到他父母带他去急诊室. The doctor said Konner was just dehydrated, 所以他让他们回家,并指示给男孩更多的液体.

几天后,康纳半夜哭着醒来. His fever had spiked to over 104 degrees. 他的父母赶紧把他送到他们所在地区的另一家急诊室,希望他能有新的认识. 那里的医生给出了同样的诊断:康纳只是脱水,需要补充水分.

Stephanie and Justin felt certain there was more to it. 毕竟,康纳的嘴唇肿得像被人打过一样. He had bumps all over his tongue. His body was covered in rashes. He wouldn't let anyone touch him without crying.

第二天早上,斯蒂芬妮和贾斯汀带康纳去看儿科医生. Right away, the doctor said: "He's got Kawasaki disease."

川崎病是一种发生在体内中小血管的疾病, including arteries of the heart. 它会突然发作,引起高烧和血管炎症. The exact cause of the disease is unknown. 它往往会影响将血液输送到心肌的冠状动脉. 它通常影响5岁以下的儿童,男孩多于女孩.


Konner was diagnosed on day five.

Konner Hall with his mom, Stephanie, in the hospital. (Photo courtesy of the Hall family)
Konner Hall with his mom, Stephanie, in the hospital. (Photo courtesy of the Hall family)

Over the next seven days, Konner received infusions of antibodies, which is standard treatment for Kawasaki disease. 在24小时不发烧后,他被允许回家. 他的父母被告知,如果在接下来的24小时内再次发烧,就把他带回来.

A few hours later, Konner had a fever of 102. So back they went to the hospital. He received another infusion. 24小时不发烧后,他们按照同样的指示被送回家.

Konner never had to return.

For the next six months, 他每天服用一片阿斯匹林,以帮助退烧和防止血栓.

Now 8, Konner will always be a carrier of the disease, 这种疾病通常可以通过早期诊断来治疗,并且不会传染给其他人. 随着年龄的增长,他进一步出现并发症的几率大大降低.

Today, Konner is a happy, healthy boy full of energy.

He loves playing baseball, 从看WWE到和他爸爸滚来滚去,他都在玩摔跤. He's also still advanced for his age. 一位老师最近打电话给斯蒂芬妮,问学校是否可以测试康纳的天才项目.

康纳·霍尔在他的年龄中仍然是高级的,他喜欢打棒球. (Photo courtesy of the Hall family)
Kawasaki disease survivor Konner Hall loves to play baseball. (Photo courtesy of the Hall family)

“在18个月大的时候,连续几天保持104华氏度的温度可能会扰乱康纳的大脑, but it didn't," Stephanie said.

或者,正如康纳自己所说:“川崎病并没有削弱我. It made me stronger."

Stories From the Heart 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

American Heart Association News Stories

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