

心绞痛是一种极为罕见的疾病, 突发沙巴体育平台点击进入后可能发生的严重医疗状况, 胸部受到钝器撞击. If the physical blow hits during a narrow window in the heart rhythm, 它会扰乱心跳,导致心脏骤停.

Commotio cordis (pronounced ke-MO-she-o-KORD-is) is not linked to underlying cardiac issues or heart disease. 它往往是致命的, but lifesaving measures including CPR and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) can increase survival rates.

每年报告的新病例不到10例, but commotio cordis became widely known after many suspected it might have caused Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest in January. On April 18, Hamlin said he was indeed diagnosed with commotio cordis.

这种情况在年轻男性运动员中最为常见. 它经常是由棒球引起的, softballs, 曲棍球球, 冰球或其他运动员的身体接触



Commotio cordis occurs as a result of a blow to the left side of the chest during a narrow window in the heart rhythm.

棒球产生了最多的骚乱. Harder, 圆形物体,如棒球, softballs, 曲棍球球 and hockey pucks are more likely to trigger commotio cordis. 在少数情况下, commotio cordis is the result of other types of physical trauma such as car accidents or assault.


没有特定的危险因素引起心绞痛. Many reported cases have occurred in young male athletes between the ages of 11 and 20, 20岁以上的人很少有报告. Experts believe it is more common in younger people due to their thinner, less developed chest wall. It is also suspected that cases are higher in a younger demographic because fewer adults typically participate in sports such as baseball, 长曲棍球和曲棍球.

While rare, it is one of the most frequent causes of death in young athletes. But researchers believe it may be an underreported medical condition.




  • Sudden collapse, though a person may be able to remain active for several seconds before collapsing.
  • 缺乏反应能力.
  • 没有呼吸,脉搏和心跳.


If you think someone could be suffering from a cardiac arrest caused by commotio cordis, 立即启动紧急医疗响应. These three critical steps in the chain of survival could save a life:

  • Call 911.
  • Begin CPR. 如果病人没有呼吸或只是喘气, begin CPR with compressions by pressing hard and fast on the center of the chest. 继续心肺复苏术,直到病人开始呼吸或活动, 或者等到接受过更高级训练的人接手.
  • Use an AED. 使用除颤器将心脏震回正常节律.


The most important way to treat commotio cordis is to immediately recognize the issue and start an emergency medical response. This includes calling 911, beginning CPR and using an AED to get the heart beating normally again. 目前,心梗的存活率在50%以上, and the rapid initiation of CPR and an AED is the most critical way to save someone’s life after commotio cordis. An AED must be used within 3-5 minutes for the highest chance of survival.


要消除一切混乱的危险是困难的, especially for athletes or people who engage in recreational activities with a chance of physical contact. But you can do a few important things to prevent commotio cordis and improve the outlook for anyone who experiences it.

  • Learn the critical signs of commotio cordis so you can initiate the chain of survival that could save someone’s life: calling 911, 进行心肺复苏和使用AED.
  • 在运动和娱乐设施的手边准备一台AED. An AED could increase the odds of survival in the event of commotio cordis.
  • Train coaches and other athletic personnel, teachers, parents and students in CPR.
  • Adapt your athletic activities and learn safe playing techniques to avoid hard blows to the chest. 例如, 如果你在打棒球,在击球, 把你的身体从任何可能击中你胸部的球上移开. If you’re playing defense in lacrosse or hockey, avoid using your chest to block the ball or puck.
  • 使用安全棒球或t型球, 尤其是对年幼的孩子, 哪一种比标准棒球更柔软、更有弹性.

What is the difference between commotio cordis and sudden cardiac arrest?

Commotio cordis and sudden cardiac arrest both involve a cardiac arrest. 一个很大的区别是导致心脏骤停的原因. Commotio cordis is caused by a 胸部受到钝器撞击 during a narrow window of the heartbeat, 当心脏准备收缩时, 会引发心脏骤停.

当心脏停止正常跳动时,就会发生心脏骤停. It may be linked to heart disease or other factors that cause the heart’s electric system to malfunction.


There is no evidence that survivors of commotio cordis are at a higher risk for other heart events. And it’s extremely unlikely that someone would suffer two instances of commotio cordis. 如果你经历过躁郁症, you should consult with your doctor about a safe return to physical activity. Survivors should undergo a complete cardiac evaluation to rule out heart disease. This may include an electrocardiogram or ECG, echocardiogram, cardiac imaging and stress testing.

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