Recognizing the Symptoms of Worsening 心脏瓣膜病

The Importance of Tracking 心脏瓣膜病 Symptoms

Know the signs of shortness of breath

The clues can be subtle: Monty's recliner

Monty is 75 years old, and his doctor had noted his 心杂音 几年前. He recently went to visit his son David for a few days.

  • Each night Monty would go to bed in the guest bedroom, and the next morning David would find him sleeping in the family room recliner.
  • David asked if he was unable to get comfortable in the bed, and Monty replied that he felt unable to get a deep breath when lying down and the recliner seemed to help.
  • Monty insists that it’s not a problem, but David wonders if he should urge him to check in with his health care professional.

Would you recognize this behavior as a possible sign of valve disease progression?

Notice your decline in ability to keep up

Denial can delay treatment: Monica's fitness regimen

Monica was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, which means the valve may not fully open because it has two flaps instead of three.

  • Neighbors Monica and Alexis have enjoyed keeping fit together for years.
  • Although they’ve been consistent running buddies for the last two years, 在过去的几周里, Monica just doesn’t seem able to keep up.
  • Even walking leaves her winded on some days, and Monica berates herself for lagging behind.
  • Monica knows she has a bicuspid valve and wonders if that's why she's losing her stride despite her efforts to stay fit.

Would you simply train harder or would you make an appointment with your health care professional?

These two situations describe people who are at risk of missing clues of worsening heart valve disease. It can be easy to adjust to a situation little by little as it worsens over time. That's one reason it’s very important for people with heart valve disease to have regular check-ups.


重要的是 ask yourself about symptoms. 这样做时, don't simply think in terms of “yes” or “no,” but consider the degree to which you experience symptoms.

What causes you to become short of breath? 是走三英里吗? Or has that walk gotten shorter and shorter over time, and do you now feel breathless after going to the mailbox?

你曾经感到头晕吗? Do you ever notice a sudden urge to lie down until you feel steady? How often do you have this sensation?

What about chest pain or unusual swelling in the feet or ankles?

重要的是 跟踪您的症状(PDF)(链接在新窗口中打开) and remind yourself to review them every six months or at least annually. Because most valvular heart problems progress slowly, with good notes you'll probably be able to see evidence of your condition if it begins to worsen.


It can be hard to separate habits from the mechanics of the heart, which is one important reason you need a health care professional to monitor your progress regularly. Your health care professional will rely on your reports to help them make treatment decisions. The better you are at noticing what's going on, the better you can advocate and participate in building a longer and healthier life.

Heart valve disease symptom tracker thumbnail 

下载我们的症状跟踪器(PDF) (亦可在 西班牙语(PDF)) and make an appointment with yourself every six months to review and repeat the exercise. You never know when being attentive may save a life.

Heart Valve Ambassador Ray Rivera’s journey with heart valve disease