

A fast-food s和wich or burger can easily contain more than 100% of the sodium you need in a day. Most Americans take in way more sodium than our hearts can h和le.

大多数人大约消耗3毫克,400 milligrams of sodium a day  — more than twice the sodium intake recommended by the 美国心脏协会.

It’s easy to underst和 why — sodium is just about 到处都是 in our food supply, 尤其是在汤里, 三明治, 冷盘, 熏肉, 披萨, 家禽, 还有面包或小卷. 钠 is an essential nutrient, but you don’t need much in your diet at all. 钠 can pile up quickly just from eating a s和wich. 例如, two slices of bread (290 mg of sodium) 和 a serving of turkey 冷盘 (1,050 mg of sodium) busts the daily  sodium budget for most people. 


大约一半的美国人都有 高血压, also known as hypertension, 和 a high-sodium diet may be to blame. 有些人, sodium increases blood pressure because it holds excess fluid in the body, creating an added burden on your heart. Too much sodium also increases your risk for stroke, 心脏衰竭, 骨质疏松症, 胃癌和肾病.

Unfortunately, many people have 高血压 和 don’t know it. Most of the time, there are no symptoms, which is why it’s called the “silent killer.” But when 高血压 goes untreated, it damages arteries 和 vital organs throughout the body.


 钠追踪器(PDF) is an easy way to keep tabs on how much sodium you’re getting in your diet. Just jot down what you eat — that blueberry muffin for breakfast or the garlic bread with last night’s spaghetti — 和 the amount of sodium each food contains. Remember: 钠 levels vary in the same foods depending on the br和 or restaurant.

At the end of the day add up the total amount of sodium you consumed. This exercise can help you make better choices if needed. Sometimes a small adjustment can bring big results when it comes to your health! 的 美国心脏协会 has lots of resources to help you stay on track. 


  • 检查 营养标签 预制和包装食品, because over 70% of the sodium we consume is hidden in processed foods. Look for the words “soda” 和 “sodium” 和 the symbol “Na” on labels, which means that additional sodium sources are present.
  • When making or ordering 披萨, use or request very little 和/or low-sodium cheese. You might even enjoy cheeseless 披萨 topped with chicken 和 loaded with veggies.
  • 使用新鲜的, skinless 家禽 that isn’t enhanced with sodium solution instead of fried or processed chicken.
  • Select soups that are lower-sodium varieties.
  • Make 三明治 with low-fat, low-sodium cheeses, 和 try to limit sodium-laden condiments. Avoid processed red meats, cured or smoked meats 和 other salty processed foods.
  • 选择含有  来抵消钠的影响. It may help lower your blood pressure.
  • 尝尝美味的 食谱 that are lower in sodium 和 big on flavor.





