Food Packaging Claims

woman reading label in store

你是否曾经买过一种食品,因为它的包装上写着“低钠”或“低脂”,或者做了其他的声明? 了解这些说法的含义很重要,这样你就可以在为自己和家人购买食物时做出明智的决定.


  1. health claims,
  2. nutrient content claims, and
  3. structure/function claims.


  1. 一种物质(无论是食品、食品成分还是膳食成分)和
  2. A disease or health-related condition.


  1. 用free, high, low或。等术语来描述产品中营养素的含量
  2. 比较一种食物和另一种食物的营养水平使用诸如more这样的术语, reduced, and lite.



If a food claims to be … It means that one serving* contains …
Calorie free Less than 5 calories
Low calorie 40 calories or less
Reduced calorie 至少比普通产品少25%的卡路里


If a food claims to be … It means that one serving* contains …
Sugar free Less than 0.5克糖,没有糖的成分
Reduced sugar or less sugar 至少比普通产品少25%的糖
No added sugar 在加工或包装过程中不添加糖或含糖成分


If a food claims to be … It means that one serving* contains …
Fat free Less than 0.5 g fat and no ingredient that is fat
Low fat 3克或更少的脂肪(膳食和主菜中脂肪的热量不超过30%)
Reduced fat or less fat 至少比普通产品少25%的脂肪
Low in saturated fat 1 g or less of saturated fat, 15%或更少的卡路里来自饱和脂肪(10%或更少的膳食和主菜)
Lean Less than 10 g of fat, 4.5克饱和脂肪和95毫克胆固醇
Extra lean 少于5克脂肪,2克饱和脂肪和95毫克胆固醇
Light (lite) 至少比普通产品少50%的脂肪(如果少于50%的卡路里来自脂肪,则减少1/3的卡路里)


If a food claims to be … It means that one serving* contains …
Cholesterol free 低于2毫克的胆固醇,不含胆固醇成分
Low cholesterol 20 mg of less of cholesterol
Reduced cholesterol 胆固醇含量至少比普通产品低25%


If a food claims to be … It means that one serving* contains …
Sodium free, salt free or no sodium 钠含量低于5毫克且不含氯化钠或含钠成分
Very low sodium 35 mg or less of sodium
Low sodium 140 mg or less of sodium
Reduced or less sodium 至少比普通产品少25%的钠
Light or lite in sodium 钠含量至少比普通产品少50%
Lightly salted 50% less sodium than normally added
No salt added or unsalted No salt added during processing. If the food is not sodium free, “不是无钠食品”或“不用于控制饮食中的钠”的声明也必须出现在标签上.


If a food claims to be … It means that one serving* contains …
High fiber or excellent source of fiber 每日纤维摄入量的20%或更多
Good source of fiber 10-19% of the Daily Value (DV) for fiber


如果你不能记住所有术语的意思,不要担心. You can use this general guidance:

  • “Free” 指一种食物含有尽可能少的特定营养素.
  • “Very Low” and “Low” 意味着食品的含量比标注“免费”的食品多一点.”
  • “Reduced” or “Less” 意思是这种食物的某种营养成分比普通食物少25%.
  • “更多”,“强化”,“浓缩”,“添加”,“额外”或“额外” 意味着该食品比普通食品含有10%或更多的每日摄入量. 可能只用于维生素、矿物质、蛋白质、膳食纤维和钾.


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